Work and Hot tub Party!
HOT TUB!!! Kyle, Chris, Kari, Russ, and drunk ass Lori!! Why are everyone's eyes closed?! *L*
Oh Pierce, always showin off those hot legs! Anyone want this hottie to cook YOUR food? *L*
Brittany (she's the BESTEST EVER) and Matt the new guy in the prep area @ work
So, the days are getting shorter (or so it seems) and I've begun taking pictures of everyone and everything. Here are some funny pics of the wonderful people I work with at Kelsey's. Also, there's one from Lisa's hot tub party last Saturday night (my fave girl from work!). Sorry we were all a little too ummmm under the influence to take more pics *L* I spent most of the night in the hot tub anyway and didn't wanna risk losing my camera! It was about -20 out and everything would freeze that came into contact with the water, especially my hair *L*. Lemme tell you though, I've never had a colder beer before!
Oh, the countdown begins for me also, especially since it's almost December.....16 days till I leave for Penticton, and 27 until I leave for Korea!! AHHHHHH!!
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