The Zoo...and TONNES of pics of ME! :O)
Just a peek at the people and the view when you come out of the subway station...
LOOK!!! They have Subway in Korea!! And Snapple. hehe Just a randon pic from a different day...MMmmmm was it good.
This was another option for getting to the top....Wanted to do it, but the line up was hours long!
Ummm...this is PART of the lineup for the ride up! *L*
Just me....and a cool view in the background....
The way they move is so funny. They look like elderly people all hunched over walking on their elbows *L* Too funny.
Koreans bring their little mats and park their butts anywhere. Sitting and sleeping on the hard ground is their specialty.
These guys were great....fighting for the food...
Aren't they interesting animals?
Look at ME the bird woman!! I didn't ask for this, TRUST me!! This man just put them on me *L* My new fave pic though...I thought for sure one of them would crap on me. I guess my luck has changed in life a little!
I'm so mean...this kid was in hysterics! And no, that's not poop on his cheek. It's face paint...he was just scared! hahaha
Looks like ants on a log....but it's many children on a dinosaur! Ahhhh!
Yummy lunch we shared. Gotta love Kimbap on the left ( no its not sushi) and the rice noodles and meat in red spicy sauce! Don't ask me what kind of meat, but these are two of my fave dishes, MMmmm!
Ummm...I forget what these are called...the gigantic chipmunk? Who knows...
Now, this guy was my favorite, and he was SUCH a great kisser! I hope he thought I was too...
Now, who wouldn't wanna kiss this beautiful face?! *L*
Now, THAT'S a hippo!! It took her about a good 5 minutes to get out of the water *L*
Okay buddy...I'll race you to the chicken and whoever gets it gets to sleep on the soft spot on the rocks tonight,k?
It's a sloth!! heheh We read a book about a sloth family in one of my classes (his name is Ronnie-how'd you like THAT dad!?) so I took this one for my kids...
Doesn't that look almost uncomfortable? He was cute posing for everyone to take pics.
Here's the trouble maker of the bunch...he would run around pulling tails and then running away!
This tree was beautiful, especially for a picture. I turned into a model for the day, as you will see to test out Seb's really expensive camera. Nice pic!
Now, this guy didn't move an inch. He looks almost human!
Yes, this is real!! *L* There was someone tossing raw meat to them, so they would stand up like this and do tricks for it.
Feeling blue? Just hug a todem pole!! I had to do it, as I have one when I was younger at the Calgary Zoo. I'll have to compare when I get home.
THIS ONE'S FOR YOOUUUU DADDY!!! I pushed kids, tramped flowers and almost broke my back trying to get ontop of it to get a picture for you! Hope you enjoy....
Well, the theme of the day was Kari trying to act out as many animals she could and get them on camera *L* You can barely see the tiger in the background's just really funny!
Now, there's a beautiful tiger..I'm not sure what was up that tree, but I hope it ran pretty quickly!!
Here's outside the dolphin show. The amount of baby carriages was too funny....
So, this MASSIVE ass seal, walrus....whatever was so funny. He actually hopped out of the water and was sniffing the other side of his cage. He must've been horny or something for the female on the other side to get his big bottom up the wall!! This is him goin back in the water.
And this is him sniffing for a piece of somethin somethin!! hahaha Isn't he MASSIVE? We were there at the right time, that's for sure!
Another nice picture....and the flowers were a nice touch!
What a pose!! Can you see that? Now THAT'S talent!
And the dolphins stole the show...they were fabulous. I'd never really seen anything like it!
Look at them go! And those balls were high...
Hehehe he was sooo cute!! The seal that is...
So, the zoo was definately a highlight of the last little while. We were there for about 4 hours and only say half of it!! I'm so glad I went and will be making a trip back there in the future to see the rest of it. Hope you enjoyed the pictures....
Love and miss you all!!
Kari what exactly does your shirt say? I tried to zoom in on a few different pics but never was quite able to figure it out!! You can't say how funny your shirt is and then not take a good picture of it!!! Geez!!
I AGREE WITH KEVIN!! I DID THE SAME AND COULDNT READ IT!! GRRR! Just wanted to say how much I looooved these pics!! Its sad that this is the only way for ppl...well NORMAL ppl, ha, to enjoy them!! I still liked seeing them though!! Keeb all Tigressed out!! wooo, u sexy biatch! I'm jealous! I want pics of giraffes and hippos! Hopefully one day soon! Im still growing my testes, hehe..."ballll haiiir...what we need is a striiike haiiir!" Lets make an msn date...u name the time and date! Luv ya and facebook or email or msn me soon!! I got another house!! yay! Ttysoon! ~May
I agree with both Kevin and May I could not read your shirt!! You do mention that it is a shirt with Korean spelling errors, it looks like english writing on your shirt. Did you really do all of the events in these pictures in one day?!?!?! Wow, nice zoo, with the weather not extreme (like the Peg!!) you can have lots of exotic animals and the aqauruim looks fantastic, you sure look like your doing wonderful, love the pictures of you at the mill and you and the cows and you especially with the "Keeb" elf, priceless!!!! Love how you think of us lots all back here in our "blah blah lives" while you are touring that part of the world. Enjoy my safe!!! L.O.V.E. Mom XOXOXOX
well kari that's alot of great shouts you took of all the amamls there so well done and i cant wait to see more !!!!
Kari...whos Aaron?
Haha May!! Your too funny!
Kari Love the pics!! Finally some of you!!!
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