Yeonsei Hospital and Seoul Land Amusement Park
My new favorite place In Seoul....the hospital *L* It really is a pretty beautiful hospital. So pretty I had to take pictures...
The long walk down from the top of the doors at the hospital....nothing better than that when you're not feeling good!
Just a different view of the spectacular hospital.
After my appointment, we sat outside to drink our coffee and eat a cookie, and these freakin birds were practically on TOP of us!! I shouldn't have fed them my crumbs...I thought they were going to peck me do death! I ran away screaming and started a scene *L* Go figure...
A neat little area where you could splash around in and take pics...
Okay, well only the wheel reminded me of Sturgeon Creek...the little hut in the background in totally Korea.
How refreshing this was on a hot day! Especially when the water found it's way down my shirt!! ahhhhh!!
This was the line up for the first roller coaster we went on...just imagine the people that were behind us,k? It took almost an hour I'd say to get on a 3 minute ride...Fun.
YAY Seoul Land!! Very nice entrance, and that little girl on the right was sooo adorable posing for her dad.
Look at these cool dudes! As if I could pass up a picture of them.
So, we went for BBQ chicken and beer...Exactly what someone needs with a hang over! Damn was it good!
Here's Sebastien givin 'er shit on the bell thingy. He did pretty good I must say!! *L*
What a good self picture!! Would you even expect it was one? Cheese!
Okay, so let me explain myself...In Korea, all the couples seem to wear matching shirts and a lot of the time their whole outfits match. So, I'm so sick of seeing this that I decided to start a collection of loser couples in Korea....and here's the start of them! hehehe
Seriously, some of the shirts say things like "We are Cute Couple" and crud like that...make me Barf!!
Here's the back of them....aren't they cute? HA
And here's the best one (well, so far!!) The matching outfits AND bags!! Bags like I had in elementary school....This is a different couple from above also. Too funny!
Stay tuned for more of these,k? I'm gonna start asking people to pose for me in the future!
Looks like some pretty fun stuff (except the hospital... aww get better soon!!)! The picture with the water falling straight down where you said it went down your shirt, haha, that picture reminds me of that mushroom thingy at fun mountain where the water comes off the ends of the mushroom! Haha I have no idea why I would think of that.
Kari, you are so spectacularly weird, but awesome. That zoo looked like it was pretty good, but the cages looked a little sad and it looked like it was too much of a show for my zoo tastes. Not kidding, the line up for those rides looked worse than when we were in disney world (we went during the off season, but still). Hope you are having a great time. Love ya tons.
Hi Keeb!! Loove the pics!! especially the one with u posing with ur "own kind"...The elf girl!! Too cute! Also, I noticed ur mom hasn't commented on the amount pics YOU'VE taken of birds, lol...I remember showing her pics from FL...she thought I was a weirdo with the number of bird pics I had, LOL! Glad ur having fun and seeing all kinds of cool things! U taking those pics of 'matching couples' reminds me of what i would do as a kid...I'd run around taking pics of ppl's bums! Pls start a "Bum's of SK" section for me!! Get some really good ones, haha!! Luv and miss u !~May
May.... Janelle said it perfectly "you are so spectaculary weird but awesome"..... so you both have a thing about birds.... awesomely weird!!! Funny!!....I really was going to comment about the number of bird pictures you are taking, kind of funny!!! Looking forward to seeing the "bum" section. Kari I feel as if I'm right there with you, again the pictures are wonderful, funny, love your comments and you bring the pictures alive with your stories.... L.O.V.E. Mom XOXOXOX
hay kari's hows it going in seoil i
hear it's almost huracan season out there strap on your boats and hang on.but above that hows the teacheing going for ya i bet it's heard to do.and the picture's you have on your site are founder full
Seriously..matching pants and bags!! I can see the shirt but the other crap is just way too weird for me!
BTW love ur shoes!!
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