The Gyeobbi%$@@&% Palace
The site map of the palace! Which, we didn't get to see *L* So I took a picture of the map! Can u ssee the name of the palace? hahaha
A picture from outside the walls of the palace. The museum, palace and everything is on the other side of that big wall!
Ahhhhh......a picture of the outside of the palace....which we didn't get to see inside of *L* We DID get to see the museum, we just couldn't take any pictures!
A view from the museum's steps. Really pretty.
So, while in Seoul we did some sight seeing. We went to a Palace (see spelling in the title of this blog!!) and it was beautiful. We saw the museum, but were too late to go look at the actual grounds of the palace. Everything closes early on a Sunday, go figure!
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