Monday, January 08, 2007

Sunday in Seoul Part 1

So, this one is for Kristin! Devote One's Life Too Shoes!! *L* It's so true out here. Some of the woman's heels are AMAZING! And there's always stores with shoes outside you can buy....I love it! Can't wait to get paid! I'm sure u can't wait till I get paid either Kris!

A picture of the side streets we were walking up and down looking for a place to have lunch. They are pretty tiny and crammed with many stores, scooters, people and more!

So, this guy is actually making noodles in the window!! He puts on a show and tosses the dough in the air and flings it around. It reminded me of something u would see in the movies!

Well, another one for Kristin :o) Clothes everywhere! Especially on the streets. I really can't wait to get paid!

There's ME! I just thought it would be a nice picture with Happy New Year in the background. It was a concert hall where plays, movies and attractions happen.

Pictures from throughout the day in Seoul on Sunday!


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